
Vibram ShoesIts been two days since Sasuke had that minor setback

It’s been two days since Sasuke had that minor setback. He’s back to his old, conceited,Vibram Shoes, cocky self. Right now, He’s walking down the hallway with his usual posse. He’s ignored Tomo for the past few days, even resisting her flirts. Somehow, that made me happy.

“Hikari, wait up!” I hear Naruto say, catching up to me and Sakura. I look back to see Sasuke laughing with Neji and Kiba.

“What’s up?” I ask, turning the corner to get to Science class. Naruto scratched the back of his head for a moment, trying to remember what he wanted to ask. His face brightened and he jumped up.

“Oh yeah, my question is who are you taking to the grade ten prom?” he asked. For a moment, I thought he wanted to ask me but I realized that he was just curious.

“Um… nope. I don’t know who I’m taking yet. C’mon, it’s a month away. I don’t need to plan about it for another three weeks.” I replied. Sakura and Naruto stared at me in disbelief.

“Hikari, you need to start planning!! A month is too short! I’m taking you shopping tomorrow after school, got that?” Sakura scolds me. I sigh at her and huff, looking away. I knew that there was no getting out of this.

“Yeah and I’m coming along to approve the dress!!” Naruto yelled, pumping his fist up. Sakura laughed and cheered as they marched towards Science class. My eye twitched but I followed them anyway. Once I entered the classroom, I catch Naruto chanting the words,Coach Sale, ‘shop, dress, fun’. Sakura sat at her seat, grinning at Naruto.

“Sakura…” I mutter, taking my seat behind her. She snaps out of her daydream and looks up at me, blushing slightly. I smirk and realize Sakura’s little secret; she was falling for Naruto.

“Please take a seat everyone so we can begin class.” Mr. Asuma says as he enters the classroom. I look back to see Sasuke and Kiba standing at the doorway. Sasuke flashed me a glance and I instantly knew I had to cover for him. I roll my eyes at him before standing up.

“Mr. Asuma, I have a question about last night’s homework.” I say, grabbing my sheet of homework and walking to the front to draw Mr. Asuma’s attention away. He explains me the concept of the question although I clearly got it. I nodded and thanked him before walking back to my seat where Sasuke now sat at.

“You owe me…” I whisper into his ear once I sit down. Sasuke smirks and nods before turning back to pay attention to the lesson. The rest of the lesson bores me until Mr. Asuma assigns us some homework and gives us time to finish. That gave us a chance to talk.

“Sasuke, guess what?” Naruto asks excitedly as he turns back to look at us. I glance at his paper to see that it’s still blank. No wonder he’s failing Science. Sasuke stared at him expectantly but said no word.

“Sakura and I are taking Hikari out to go dress-shopping!” Naruto replies with the same amount of excitement he had earlier. Sakura giggles from her seat and also turns around to talk to us. Sasuke doesn’t say anything for a while.

“Hn…” is all Sasuke says. I knew though that he’d want to ask me about it later. I was pretty sure he wanted to come too but his pride was too big to say that right now.

“Is that all you can say?! She’s your best friend after all!!” Naruto yells, causing a few heads to look up. I tried my best to calm him down while Sasuke smirked at his annoyed reaction.

“Don’t worry. I’ve already seen her in a dress. Have fun getting her a dress.” Sasuke says just before the bell rings. He takes his stuff and gives me a genuine smile before walking out of the room as to not be late to his next class.

I bid goodbye to Sakura before following Naruto to our Sports Medicine class. I was studying to become a trainer to help out at games. Sasuke told me that I should ask to be assigned to the swim and football team as to be able to watch his awesome skills and amazing body. Conceited much?

Today, Shizune was teaching us how to apply first aid to a broken arm. I get Naruto to sit on the table while I worked on his arm, pretending it’s broken. While I work on it, Naruto tells almost all our friends who are in the class about the dress shopping thing tomorrow. I get mad since he wouldn’t shut up and tightened the bind around his arm more.

“Okay, that’s it for today!” Shizune yells through the class as the bell rings overhead. I take my stuff and leave Naruto.

“Wait, Hikari! Get this off of me!!” Naruto’s voice rang through the hallway as I quickly dashed to my next class.

“That was so not funny!!” Naruto says as I take my seat across from him in the lunchroom. Sasuke smirks and tries to hide a soft chuckle since I told him about the incident too. I glance at Naruto’s arm to see that the cloth wrapped around it was gone but the bind I had put on was still there.

“Here, I’ll take it off.” I say, rolling my eyes as I reach across the table to get to Naruto’s arm. Once it’s off, I throw it at him.

“You’re throwing that away. It’s disgusting with all your sweat in it.” I say while Sakura scrunches her nose in disgust. Naruto huffs before walking away to throw the bind and get something to eat.

“Hikari, I’ve singled down all the stores I think might have good dresses that you would like. Also, can I come over to your house today? I know your mom would want to give suggestions for finding a dress too.” Sakura mentions before taking a bite out of her sandwich. She seems to be really serious about this…

“Okay.” I reply before finishing the rest of my lunch up. For the rest of the lunch period, we walked around the school, bored. Naruto begins talking about Sasuke’s suit for the prom which leads to the discussion of who’s going with whom to the dance.

“Sasuke, are you taking Hikari?” Lee asks as he catches up to us. Lately, he’s been trying to get the attention of Tomo but I guess he gave up today. Sasuke glares at Lee.

“Yeah,Cheap Vibram Five Fingers, you guys would look so good together!! You have to tell us if you two are going together so we can plan your outfits to be color-coordinated!!” Sakura squeals. My eye twitches while Sasuke’s expression turns… red.

“No.” Sasuke replies before heading to his locker to get his stuff for next class. Naruto and Sakura pout but walk away together anyway to discuss which colors went best with each other. Lee and I are left together.

“Hikari, I am not an expert of love but sometimes, I can tell when someone is in love with another. Right now, I can see that you very much have feelings for Sasuke.” Lee informs in matter-of-fact voice. I glance quickly to see if Sasuke heard that but he was out of sight.

“Anyway, I think you should ask him to the dance before any other girl does. A lot of girls do like the Uchiha.” Lee continues before walking around the corner to get to his own locker. I’m left standing there, pondering on what Lee just said. I sigh and head off to my own locker.

The rest of my day is eventful until the end of the day. Slipping my bag to my shoulders, I walk with Sasuke to the front to meet our brothers. As we near the front, I hear yelling and swearing. Sasuke takes my hand, which by the way I did not think was awkward at all. We near the front to see Sakura screaming at Naruto.

“Why do you flirt so carelessly, you idiot?!” Sakura yelled at his face. Naruto’s fist tightened at his side as he stared at Sakura.

“Why do you care so much anyway?!” he yelled back, causing Sakura to huff.

“Because I find it disgusting! This is why no would ever go out with you! You…. You skirt-chaser!” Sakura screamed through the tears that were forming in the corner of her eyes. Naruto glared down at her before turning around in rage.

“I think you’re jealous but it doesn’t matter. I don’t like you anyway.” Naruto said, causing the tears Sakura tried her best to hide was now streaming down her face. Naruto didn’t turn back. Instead, he walked out of the school, his head down and his fists tight.

“Are you okay, Sakura?” I asked,Nike Air Max Men, rushing over to her. She collapsed in my arms, tears streaming heavily. I patted her back and whispered encouraging phrases to her but nothing worked. She was broken.

“Itachi, can she ride with us?” I asked as we neared my brother and Itachi. He nodded and shot a concerned look at Sakura before we walked out of the school. I wrapped one arm around Sakura’s shoulders while Sasuke walked by her other side, soothing her by insulting Naruto… way to go Sasuke.

“I-I like him…” she states once we near Itachi’s car. Natsuki hops into the front seat with Itachi while Sasuke, Sakura and I slide into the back. Sakura’s sitting between us, wiping her eyes with her pink sweater’s sleeves.

“Calm down Sakura. Naruto was probably just stressed or pissed off… I mean he still seemed really mad at me after I left him in Sports Medicine class.” I said,Coach Outlet Store, smiling at her encouragingly.

“Yeah… Naruto is an idiot.” Sasuke mumbled under his breath as he leaned back onto the seat. The rest of the car seat was silent except for Sakura’s occasional hiccup. By the time we got home, Natsuki was snoring like pig.

“Wake up you pig!” I yelled, smacking him upside the head before walking out of the car with Sakura. I wave goodbye to the Uchiha brothers before crossing the lawn to get to my house. Once we were inside, I directed Sakura to my room.

“Sakura, aren’t you um, supposed to ask my mom about dresses?” I reminded her so that her crying can stop. Her tears stop instantly and instead, she’s smiling now. I hear someone opening the door downstairs.

“I’m home.” My mom yells before dropping her bag onto the floor and slipping her heels off. Sakura smiles before rushing downstairs to talk to my mom.

“Oh yes… Here let’s go to the kitchen so we can talk more.” My mom mumbles, leading Sakura towards the kitchen. I sigh and walk downstairs just as Itachi and Sasuke walk through the front door.

“Um, hello?” I stated, a confused expression on my face. Itachi smiles warmly at me before walking upstairs… probably to get my brother to do something.

“Hey Sasuke, what brings you to my humble abode?” I ask sarcastically, walking to our game room downstairs. Sasuke follows me.

“So, you’re shopping for dresses tomorrow huh?” he asks as we head over to play some video games on the TV. I nod and plug my brother’s PlayStation on. I put in some random fighting game and hop onto the couch next to Sasuke.

We spend the rest of the afternoon playing and joking around. Eventually, Sakura has to leave and thanks me for being a good friend.

“No problem!” I said, a smile on my face. She smiles back before running out of the house to her mom’s car that was waiting outside. In the end, my mom ends up inviting the rest of the Uchiha family to have dinner with us.

“No, that’s not it at all!” I giggled as Sasuke asked me a weird question. Once I was done laughing, I glance at Sasuke’s pouting face. Lee’s right. I do like him… but does he like me back?

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