
UGG UKIf reprint

If reprint,please indicate the source :A ,VmWare installed the author selected for the VmWare6.5.2 workstation green version of + Winxp Pro En + SP3 + RHEL 5.4 ,VmWare to extract relevant directory, double-click the greening .
CMD batch file ,follow the prompts ,the configuration of the network proper configuration of bridge ( bridge ) the relevant settings, NAT ( network sharing ) - VMnet8 ,host-only ( local area network ) - VMnet1 ,VMnetDHCP or vmnat start .
Other functions such as USB related settings ,virtual disk mapped ,disk defragmenter ,according to the specific configuration .1 ,1 ,bridge configuration ( bridge ) ,into the second subdirectory, the option to enable bridging service ,automatic system configuration is finished, then choose to return to the upper directory .
2 ,3 ,NAT ( Network ) - VMnet8 ,into the second subdirectory, enables the NAT service ( the default install virtual card 8) ,the system automatically configured ,then choose to return to the upper directory .
3 ,4 ,host-only ( local area network ) - VMnet1 ,into the second subdirectory, enables the host-only service ( the default install virtual card 1) ,the system automatically configured ,then choose to return to the upper directory .
4 ,5 ,start VMnetDHCP or vmnat ,choose to quit .So far ,the network is configured, this configuration can also not be after VmWare startup configuration ,and then to the edit menu edit virtual network is configured .
In two ,VmWare in several virtual equipment in the VmWare configuration is finished ,right click on the Windows network neighborhood ,choose the properties window that follows the two virtual network card VMnet1 ,which VMware Network Adepter VMnet1 Vmnet8 for Host-Only virtual communications network virtual network adapter ,VMware Network Adepter Vmnet8 is used with NAT virtual network communication virtual network card .
The VmWare corresponding to the virtual device Vmnet0: VmWare Virtual bridged network virtual switch VMnet1: VmWare virtual Host-Only network virtual switch VMnet8: VmWare virtual NAT network virtual switch three ,the configuration of Linux ( RHEL ) 5.
4 and Oracle 10g 1 installation environment ,after starting Vmware ,virtual machine ,select custom (Advanced ) ,hardware compatibility for Workstation6.5 ,configuration file path ,as shown below: 2 ,enter the user name and password ,enter the 3 virtual machine name and save the position as shown below: 4 ,set the processor number is correct the number of processors ,Moncler Down Jackets,the author chooses 1 .
5 ,set the virtual memory size ,taking into account in the Linux install Oracle 10g ,suggested to select at least above 1G .In 6 ,the network connection configuration as shown ,can choose any one of them ,Nike Factory Store,and then as a configuration ,the author select the default installation .
7 ,by default SCSI adapter .8 ,the virtual disk configuration ,the author chose to create a new virtual disk .Here you can choose according to .9 ,the virtual disk type SCSI .10 ,UGG UK,select the virtual disk size ,8G for default ,uncheck allocate all disk space now and radio to each file for the 2GB store virtual disk ,or the data may be lost .
In 11 ,according to the default settings to configure virtual disk file and click next .In 12 ,removed after a power supply is opened to create virtual machine before the check box ,click Finish .
Consider to install Oracle 10g Red Hat Enterprise Linux5 ,required to reconfigure the .The following operations on its configuration .13 ,click a sidebar Favorites select Red Hat Enterprise Linux5 ,click on the right window edit virtual machine settings ,see Hard Disk 13 settings ,delete the disk ( click Remove) and virtual installation directory under the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
vmsd this file ,the installation directory for the F: Red Hat Enterprise / VM_linux Linux 5.vmsd file .14 ,delete unnecessary equipment ,the author removed after the interface is as follows :15 ,now for the Oracle installation reconfigures the hard disk and network adapter ,click add ,select the Hard disk ,the author selected for the size as follows :if your hard disk capacity is big enough you can choose 4 8GB disk capacity .
Its total capacity is not more than you have stored virtual file disk where the total amount of available space .The Hard Disk for Boot and / file .Disk2 is used to set the swap partition .
Recommendations will be set to the memory capacity of 2 times the size of .Such as insufficient disk space as the author will set it to a 1.5GB .Disk3 used as / Tmp / Home partition and partition .
Disk4 is used to install Oracle 10g whole .And the Hard Disk named sda.vmdk ,the rest of the plate are named sdb.vmdk ,sdc.vmdk ,sdd.vmdk .16 ,add the network adapter ,each network adapter network connection as shown below ,respectively, Host-only ,NAT ,Bridged .
So far ,Linux install Oracle 10g environment configuration .In four ,the installation of RHEL 5.4 ( hereinafter only install RHEL important installation steps ) 1 ,the option to skip the drive detection ,otherwise relatively time consuming .
In 2 ,no installation serial number please skip the installation sequence number .In 3 ,no floppy disk formatting,Cheap Coach Bags, the installation appear separately tips for SDA ,SDB ,SDC ,SDD format ,click Yes, start on these formatting hard disk .
4 ,pay attention to partition settings, choose to build custom partition structure and click next .In 5 ,SDA / boot partition configuration ,selected primarily partition .General 1-50 cylinder can be .
The author here for 1-52 cylinder .In 6 ,SDA remaining space all as / partition .In 7 ,SDB space all set for the swap partition ,the following chart ;8 ,in SDC space as a / home partition ,as a part of / tmp partition ,the author chooses the former capacity of 1-60 cylinder ,remaining all / tmp partition .
In 9 ,SDD in all the space as the ORALCE installation space .As shown below :10 ,this partition is configured, as shown below: 11 ,selected eth0 and eth1 is activated when a check box guide .
Retained by DHCP automatic configuration .Of course, you can also manually set the IP address, but must ensure that eth0 and VMware Network Adapter VMnet1 on the same network segment .
Eth1 and VMware Network Adapter VMnet8 on the same network segment .A specific set of reference 12 .In 12 ,the configuration of eth2 and Winxp in network neighborhood in the local connection IP for the same network segment ,the local connection IP 192.
168.1.100 ,so the following diagram, can also be used to automatically configure IP address .13 ,setting the clock and password .14 ,selected software development and network server ,radio now custom .
15 ,because the Linux installation options not all selected, motivated by Oracle installation requirements, recommendations into each directory in the directory for one one selected .Especially the development module in all subdirectories of the item ,proposed that all selected, or install Oracle error did not know what the child is not selected .
The following chart in the old software development in 8 of 9 optional packages selected says that there is a not selected ,should click optional packages ,the remaining one selected .So will all subkeys tick .
Headache is RHEL without all the select button to a tick .In 16 ,in response to a server ,the basic module of the system ,should according to the situation to decide .17 ,UGG UK,in Chinese and English language support support .
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