
Cheap MonclerA community to write drabbles

A community to write drabbles, double drabbles, triple drabbles,UGG Boots Sale, etc. up to 1000 words (or ten drabbles).

We will be posting a picture or screen cap or some other visual prompt each week on which to base your drabbles. You can write as many as you want, but they should all have some relation to the posted pic - duh ;D

The main point of interest of your drabbles should be canon pairings and all the other denizens of Liberty Avenue.

So, if we posted, for example,Vibram Fiver Finger Shoes, this pic...

your drabble could be about Brian/Justin dancing in 309 to *that* song, like a gapfiller.

It could also be about them dancing post-513, or just one of them thinking about that day in 309, or one of them thinking about dance floors or Babylon in general.

Your drabble might also just focus on a scene - at whatever point in time during/after the show - that has nose-smooshing and a hand in somebody's hair and/or close dancing. Or Justin noticing Brian wearing a shirt like the one above. Or Brian being obsessed with the tiny hairs on Justin's forearms.... I think you get the idea.

The RULES are simple:

1) This community has been opened to all canonical pairings!

2) Neither Brian nor Justin will ever die in this comm. The other characters - if you must, go ahead, but NO DEATH!FIC for Brian and Justin. Add any pertinent info into your warnings.

3) No Brian/Michael.

4) No MPREG.

5) No RPS.

6) No flaming. Be respectful to the authors and other commenters.

7) Drabbles are to be posted directly to the community, not simply linked back. You may post to your personal journal at the same time, no lag time necessary.


How it works/How to post:
1) Each Wednesday, we will post a prompt, usually between 7pm and 10pm EST. That means you will have one week for writing and posting your drabble(s).

2) You choose the timeline and the number of other characters you want to have in your drabble. All I ask is that the scene in the posted picture has some relevance to your fic. The goal,Beats By Dre Sale, of course, is not to end up with a detailed description of the pic as such, but to get a glimpse ��inspired�� by the pic in question.

3) Please state the length of your fic (100, 200, 300, etc.), the timeline, and any warnings that you��d post with a longer fic as well.

4) If your fic is more than a single drabble, please put it behind a cut.

And as an extra: We will have one week a month, usually the one starting on the last Wednesday of the month, where you can post the drabbles from older . Please make sure to state the number of the prompt your drabble was written for here,Coach Store, too.

The only other requirement is that you are 18 or older, so please make sure to have your full date of birth on your user info BEFORE you join. Requests for membership who fail to have their DOB shown on their profile will have to be rejected - days are just too short to go around hunting for clues about your age,Cheap Moncler, sorry.

***Credit for the used caps goes to , , and ... (will be updated as we go along).***

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