
Dr Beats Headphones>Kiss on stomach



>Kiss on stomach

You smiled as you wrapped your arms lovingly around your boyfriend’s neck. You couldn’t help but smile at his silliness. You knew he didn’t act like that on purpose, but you found him awfully cute like that. He would get so easily angered whenever a guy spoke to you,Monster Beats Dr Dre, even if it was only friendly intended.

“Calm down Romano” you had learned yourself how to roll on the r’s; very much to Lovino’s liking. Exhaling deeply he wiped the angry face off when he looked back at you.

“I don’t want you to talk to that creep ever again” he growled, putting his arms protectively around your lithe body. You felt so little whenever he held you. Not to be understood wrong, you loved when he had his arms around you,Cheap Sunglasses, when he kissed your lips, told you sweet things in Italian and common English that would always make you blush and leave you speechless.

Ti amo Romano” you was proud with the fact you were able to speak a little of his enchanting language. You never wanted to. He always said something in Italian and you were never attentive whenever he said something in it. It was during the couple of months you had been dating you actually realized how much you actually understood when you wanted to. Not that you never wanted to understand it, but you never paid it much attention. Grasping your hand he walked home. Antonio was out with some girl Lovino didn’t know off, so they’d have the entire apartment themselves. He wouldn’t mind at all.

You merely hit the hallway before he showered you with love and kisses. His hands rubbed your sides with all the affection he didn’t show in public. In truth he found it embarrassing to show you all his love in public. Not that he was ashamed of you though,Dr Beats Headphones, it would just come to be embarrassing to him.

R-Romano” you shuddered as he traced his lips from your lips to your neck. His one hand caressed the back of your head, his fingers tangled softly in your [h/c] locks.

S�� mi amor?” his Italian accent was thick as he spoke. From your long time friendship you had leant he would start talking Italian when he was either angry or shy. But maybe he also would when he was showing you all his love as well? You wouldn’t deny it; you loved it. You felt loved. Within the next moment he had you pinned against the wall behind you, attacking you neck and collarbones with kisses,Beats By Dre Headphones, nips and licks. Delightful sighs escaped your lips and you rubbed your fingers through his auburn hair. His free hand moved over your front – mostly stomach area, hinting permission to touch your bare flesh. Your back arched at his touch, silently granting his wish to touch you more. There wasn’t the thing you wouldn’t let him do to you. You trusted him with your life.

Finding it awkward to make-out in the hall he guided you to his bedroom, bringing you down on his bed as he returned to your lips once again. Wanting to feel more of him, you pulled him down with you, parting your soft lips as you shoved your tongue into his mouth. His touch clouded your mind with lust and desire for him. You wanted him to take that next step. Breaking the kiss you smiled cheekily up at him as you slowly tugged at his shirt; pushing your hands beneath the hem of it, signalling you wanted him to take it off. You watched his face as a bright blush spread on his face and felt his body flex under your touch. Planting your lips onto his you silently told him you wanted it. Encouraged by your gesture, his hands pushed your shirt up, over your mounds and over your head. His blush brightened even more from the sight of you. You were ready to take this to a whole new level, but it was unclear to you if he wanted it as well.

Following you, Romano took off his shirt as well. His hands became occupied with your body again. You heard him mumble incoherent Italian words as he gazed over you. Licking his lips he lowered his kisses to the top of your cleavage and down to your stomach. His tongue tracing the outline of your bellybutton. Even through half-littered eyes you could see he concentrated on pleasing you and make you feel good. Your chest heaved and sunk with the still increasing need of oxygen you lacked from his torture. Stopping at the rim of your pants he looked at you with a questioning look. If you wanted to stop here he would accept that. Nothing could make him do something to you that you wouldn’t agree to.

Looking into his eyes you smiled and stroked the side of his face.

“I-If you want to stop here… that’s fine with me” he said slowly.

“I’m ready for this,Moncler Online Shop, I wouldn’t want it another way or with anyone else” your soft voice made him blush again. His fingers fiddled with the edge of your jeans before he slowly eased them off your body. There would be no one else in the whole wide world you rather wanted to be with.

“Then… you’re mine” he smirked cockily, earning himself a snigger from you. Yes, you were. His and no one else’.

>I’m ready

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