
UGG Online Outlet Six years of project quality supervision officials of bribery 273 times

Reporters learned from the Linyi City Procuratorate, Zhao Jixiang corruption and bribery case, Zhao Jixiang 273 has received 108 construction companies or building owners of the shopping card, cash, etc., of which there are 252 shopping card accepted times.

first trial verdict, Zhao Jixiang appeal. The case is the second instance.

□ Newspaper reporter Gu Ruijun

2009 year in April and May, a Construction Co., Ltd. Linyi Choi, Engineering Manager responsible for engineering quality problems in the building. At the time, supervising construction works, Linyi City, construction safety engineering quality supervision and management of project quality supervision of two subjects repeated rectification, Zhao Jixiang also keep the construction process various items needed for the acceptance of acceptance. In order to express thanks to Zhao Jixiang also wanted Zhao Jixiang continue to support the future to help the company's development projects, the company sent Zhao Jixiang Choi came home, gave 2,000 yuan Zhao Jixiang a supermarket shopping card.

Zhao Jixiang unlock the mystery of confession. Zhao Jixiang Linyi City in recent years has served as construction safety supervision Zhanfuzhanzhang,UGG Online Outlet, Linyi City construction safety supervision and management of construction engineering quality supervision chief of safety, engineering quality supervision two chief, chief of business management, responsible for the area the production of all engineering safety and engineering from start to completion and acceptance of the whole process of quality control and quality of construction, Zhao Jixiang said: They care more, less fault-finding their eyes on my hands just gave me the power.

newspaper correspondent Shu Lin Jian Jian

1964 was born in April of Zhaoji Xiang, Zheng Keji cadres before the incident is just one, why so many units so many people give him money to send cards?

awards accreditation to In May 2006, the construction of a construction company to build a unit to the second floor office, intends to create To successfully passed the initial inspection, the company's vice president Lee led inspection Zhao Jixiang gave $ 1000 a supermarket shopping card.

site office gifts, .

2005 year, a company Linyi safety production license for the bid for construction safety oversight to the Division reported material. After the trial, their condition is not met, leaving a shortfall of many materials, Zhao Jixiang made on the feedback to the company. Over time, the company reported the material together, and prepare to report to the provincial building Zhao Jixiang Authority. Wang, manager of the company heard, by their companies go out of the bus with Zhao Jixiang Jinan. The way back to Linyi, Wang Zhao Jixiang one in the car to a supermarket shopping card 2000 dollars. 2006 Spring Festival, Wang Zhao Jixiang in the unit door and gave $ 1000 a supermarket shopping card.

Court of First Instance finds that, from 2004 to 2009, Zhao Jixiang use of his position in the engineering safety, quality supervision and management process, illegally accepting cash, gift cards, goods, and a total of 30.9819 ten thousand yuan RMB and to seek their interests; 2002-2005 Mid-Autumn Festival, using his position to facilitate, together with the original construction safety supervision and management station owners in a certain (handled separately) and others, to take the means of income is not recorded, embezzlement 329,170 yuan, of which Zhao Jixiang share of 59,000 yuan.

8 6, Linshu Court of Linyi City, construction engineering quality supervision and management of security management at the business section of the original chief Zhao Jixiang the corruption case of first instance verdict, to accepting bribes, sentenced to imprisonment for 13 years.

2004 spring, Zhao Jixiang led an engineering Co., Ltd in Linyi City, the construction of a wealthy area of ​​work safety on construction site inspection, the manager of the company passed to the side of a check, to give His 1,000 yuan a supermarket shopping card. The end of 2007, the Ministry of Yi construction of a project office building of a civil engineering to participate in Linyi city, card.

2007 before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhao Jixiang with people Liumou Cheng, Linyi City, built an engineering inspection and acceptance, in order to pass, Liu gave Zhao Jixiang a supermarket shopping card, $ 500; 2009 before the Mid-Autumn Festival, as soon as possible to allow Zhao Jixiang covert acceptance of personnel, Liu prepared a 5,000 yuan, with a brown paper envelopes after a good 5000 dollars to Zhao Jixiang with this office, Zhao Jixiang decline a few after accept.

2009 In October Zhao Jixiang to a Shandong Engineering Co., Ltd. second phase of construction of a home construction site inspection, the company's Jo in the site office to give him a 2,000 yuan shopping card.

Zhao Jixiang said he received the gift cards, and sometimes used for direct consumption as part of some given away, not take of the first together, so the more you save on the special recycling shopping cards place cards were sold to close shop, sell money in the bank.

acceptance or quality problems to In order to facilitate acceptance of the wells to give Zhao Jixiang $ 1000 a supermarket shopping card. October 2009, has sent 1,000 yuan Zhao Jixiang supermarket shopping card.

