
Moncler Jackets UK Strategies provided in the use of PokerStrategy

Strategies provided in the use of PokerStrategy.com before, you may have played cards a while - if you are lucky, you may have won some,UGG Online, and even completed the first upgrade. Now is the time to enhance what you understand of the game.

to become a successful player, you need to continuously improve their game. This includes some of the key points, such as But so far, there has not been enough attention on the one hand, the so-called game analysis.

However, this does not mean PokerStrategy.com neglect this aspect, or not to include it in teaching the content. You may already have some analysis of their own experience of the game, such as you may have a positive use of the Board in comment forum.

This article focuses on further analysis of your game. The goal is not to reduce the need for Board comment forum, but give you some before the next session can be a simple analysis, which will be able to learn from mistakes you the best way.

analysis of different types of games all forms of analysis are based on data provided by assistive software, such as elephants provided PokerStrategy.com (Elephant) software. Without these tools, you most likely find themselves faced with an important question - who is able and willing to hand history from the thousands of inquiries, some of the Board in it? Type of analysis we can be broadly divided into two types:

session analysis of long-term analysis of Session Analysis

when to use

As the name implies, session analysis should be on your end of a session after each. The first time I heard, you may be shocked by this statement, but if you in the right way, then the workload will be smaller than you think.

use of reason

Session analysis is an error in your game find the perfect way in infancy. Early detection of errors is very important, because if it did not really realize that, over time, the error often you inadvertently become a habit. You can imagine, the game repeated incorrectly hand what will happen.

Therefore, the analysis goal is to find errors. Additional effect is that in the analysis process you sometimes accidentally found some of the uncertainty of hands, you can then send them to the appropriate Review Board forum. Later we will further discuss this topic.

the way

analysis of the fastest type of session, To use this method, you just need a session of the Board in accordance with winners and losers in a row order - the most profitable or most of the loss came in front.

ah, you heard wrong - you also need to focus on those profits in hand. From which you may find some errors - the end result is often a hand and can not show you made a mistake. Theoretically, you could pre-flop to bet and win A7o full Board, but in most cases it is the best choice is questionable. On the other hand, also possible that you have a best game of the hand, it is ultimately still lost.

When PokerStrategy.com Elephant software provided for this analysis method, you simply follow the following steps:

in the overview page, select the one you intend to analyze session. Button on the toolbar at the top click on Click on the Click again on If you use another auxiliary software, you need to adjust these steps; For example, some software may require you to first open a session report or set up a filter. For more information about each software, and display each session in the Board's approach, see their respective manual or access to the appropriate software forums.

scope of the analysis based entirely on your personal goals and session length. If you recall only a few hundred hands, it would only look at profit or loss up to a maximum of five hand enough; for a longer session, you need a little extended analysis of the content. However, you will soon discover, as experience grows, you hand and for the analysis of the effort will decrease stability.

any case, a complete analysis of the total in roughly 10-15 minutes to complete.

you need to focus on content

now, you already know what the Board should be carefully reviewed. So, you need to focus on something?

use all the information you can get to evaluate each round of play is very important.

What is your starting hand? Your actions and suggested starting hands table match it? If not, then you deviated from the starting hand table because what is it? How do you evaluate your opponent? You have any of his decisions may affect your reading (notes, data) do? Which the opponent will take the time to play cards (key words: How the structure of the community cards face? Playability of the card you have to hit it? Is it worth going to bluff it? Again: the opponent is still likely to hold the card is what? Which brand they will be held at the way the game? The reason you take the time play is it? When faced with the decision of the edge or uncertain, it is worth our so-called detailed analysis (see below), and visit our Forum Board comments.

Example 1:

NL10 (BSS)

stacks & data

UTG +1 ($ 3.75)

UTG +2 ($ 5.00)

MP1 ($ 18.11)

MP2 ($ 10.00)

MP3 ($ 9.99)

Hero ($ 10.40)

BU ($ 6.76) (19/3/100/1.5/67/13) (VPIP/PFR/Fold2Steal/AF/Fold2Contibet/WtSD)

SB ($ 3.50) (3/3/100) (VPIP/PFR/Fold2Steal)

BB ($ 11.12) (5/0/95) (VPIP/PFR/Fold2Steal)

preflop: Hero is CO holds

5 people fold, Hero raises to $ 0.30, BU call, 2 fold


Hero bets $ 0.50, BU with the Note

analysis of the hand the best way what is it?

Obviously, you should determine for each round of analysis include the following steps:

re-evaluate your decision to consider you can replace the play blind stealing in a typical scene. Based on starting hand table, you order A2s made a very conventional filling.

For the first part, you should consider your main competitors and the likelihood of success. In short, here is a good choice to steal you blind?

blind bit of the players appeared to be very tight, and thus will no more give up fight card. However, if you encounter unexpected resistance, at least you should know is not much hope of A2s.

button more need to worry about the player is a factor. According to his semi-loose and passive data, you can not exactly predict his actions. But, you see his face while continuing to give up 67% of the bets have been the end of the pool, and is involved in only 13% of hands played to the showdown.

Based on these analysis, you can formulate the following plan:

you try to steal blinds. If the button is the player with the note, you do flop an ongoing bet. If that he did not fold, the hand is over for you.

then you should consider replacing the play under the. There may also take in the play it?

fold: always feasible, but in the face of these opponents, you should dare to take risks. Directly to give up? Not a right.

with Note: Another option is of course play with Note 10 cents. The problem is that the big blind player can see a free flop, the player buttons are also likely to stay in the hand. But now the hand holding,UGG Online Shop, you certainly do not like to play a multiplayer pot.

even if you hit a pair, you will hold the worst side of card, or hold the smallest pair. You have only considered when hit flush with a good hand. This is likely to pay only 10 cents is worth the candle.

In short, you may think you raise a reasonable decision.

the flop, you need to re-evaluate the specific situation and your decision. You do not hit the hand with a playable card, and there is still a rival to stay in the hand. You still need to evaluate their decision. You made a bet continuity, this choice is correct?

you bet the pot $ 0.75 $ 0.50. This means that in a similar situation, you need to win at least about 40% of the cases to ensure no loss. When faced with persistent opponents fold bet 67% probability, which is obviously sufficient. And even if he call, in theory, you may still have little chance of winning, but do exist.

we may need to consider whether the opponent did not hit the sign face. Note cards with him what you raise? He only JJ +, AK-like strong hands with the note, or was he also from time to time with the note cards with less? Moreover, in his eyes, the current situation do? If you are trying to show his strong hand, he will buy your account it? Or do they attempt doomed to failure?

too many questions, but there is no standard answer, or the established rules. You can only be assessed on their own opponents.

play here what can be considered? We still do not consider directly fold. In the current situation, it is not a good player will make the choice.

remaining option is to consider over card. This is certainly attractive, because you do not have to put any chips. The disadvantage is that this does not make you get more information. You can not know the location, if your opponent bets basically no way to self-defense, and you will miss the opportunity to make the opponent to fold.

Session Analysis - Conclusion:

convenient this way, you should at once after each session. The analysis will help you identify the wrong decision and those who wrong card.

in each betting round, you should ...

... re-assess the situation. ... Re-evaluate your actions are correct (at the time of play is reasonable? If you select another program, you win more or lose less it?) ... Consider alternate options. This can help you identify possible errors or You should try the daily poker session analysis as a regular part of life.

cards classification analysis

when to use

You can make cards at any time classification analysis.

use of reason

this analysis approach will help you identify those errors may have become accustomed to. But only in the amount of data reaches a certain size before effective - you can learn to think about: For each type of cards you have to have enough cases to make a reliable interpretation.

the way

classification analysis focuses on statistical deviation. We come to AA for example. Common sense tells you that this hand starting hand should always be ahead of the hand random cards. If your data (also known as the In this case, you should look carefully at the same time under this category of other cards.

cards classification analysis of those statistics are more fans, but we mention it only to provide a complete list of the type of analysis. Because it requires a lot of sample size, it is practical in everyday applications is very limited. Therefore, we omitted in this detailed explanation of this approach.

charts & data analysis

when to use

some differences of opinion here. Some of the players after each session will analyze their charts and data, and analysis of some players is a few weeks time.

use of reason

charts and data analysis to show your poker career you an overview of the development, and help you find some possible exceptions.

the way

easily explained on the chart: Click here to see,Moncler Jackets UK, and feel happy or depressed. Uh, in fact, is not that simple. Chart is much more than just a profit and loss curve. It can also cause errors and problems of your concerns and tell you, you may be in upwind or downwind term period. Each auxiliary

charting software has its way. For example PokerStrategy.com the current version of the software are elephant show to you in U.S. dollars or in units of profit blind curve. These curves are easy to observe, and to provide you with an overview of the current financial situation.

other tools to provide you with some extra curves - can give you some new perspective and loopholes that may exist in the game information.

look at the examples in the chart:

the most important information from the three curves show: all-in EV, showdown showdown profit and non-profit.

So, these curves tell us?

all-EV curve (just as the name indicates) display or cause to charge you full-time rival all-EV. Its value is equivalent to the card against your opponent's cards win rate (the possibility of profit). Such as the EV value of 50%, from a statistical point of view, you win once every two cards.

EV curve used to calculate these probabilities, so relatively free from fluctuations. It shows you an unlimited number of times the game hand, you should obtain statistically profit.

the reliability of this curve depends on the type of game. Small Stack Strategy, for example, very often you find yourself in a scene full charge, so at this time EV curve is often more reliable than the actual profit curve - mainly because it is relatively free from fluctuations, showing a statistical point of a profit.

in Limit games, the use of appropriate financial management and timely re-buy, you almost never in full charge of the situation. In this game type, EV curve almost never deviate from the actual profit curve. The other two curves (in the picture marked in red and blue) to show you play to the showdown (showdown profit, blue) and did not play to the showdown (showdown non-profit) some information about the cards.

In our sample chart very clearly shows the steep rise in its showdown profit, rather than a showdown, but corresponding to a sharp decline in profit. Thus, we can infer that players may only play the top card of the above and most of the showdown to win; but he was often fool opponents in a showdown before the end of the pool - so he will be a non-profit showdown This sharply reduced.

This fully demonstrates that, in the session analysis, you should pay particular attention to those who have not played the hand to the showdown of the details. There seems to be the existence of some hidden flaw patch.

You see, the chart is much more than some of the lines of color combinations. You can break down the analysis of it and use it to find errors and improve your game.

does not analyze the data much more complicated than this. Use PokerStrategy.com Elephant software, you can simply make you comfortable at any time to analyze the data.

at the top level, there is an Almighty overview (overview) page, hidden in a little bit misleading menu item Here you can see a graphical display of data on average and can see them about what the ability level of the position. This means that you do not have to try to figure out what their data is consistent with the tight vicious type - you can immediately see what your style can be attributed to class.

However, if you use another auxiliary tool, you need to figure out the type of your participation in the game are what the average data. Our strategy is part of the data in articles can provide you help with this. Is complete, you can put your data and average data that do a comparison.

data on the average deviation from the mean over-limit game, there you may be loopholes.

detailed analysis When the application

constantly; whenever necessary.

use of reason

detailed analysis to help you make sure that the Board has become clearer. You also need an additional tool that can be downloaded for free at PokerStrategy.com: Equilab.

As the name suggests, you use it to calculate win rate - this is a specific range of cards against the opponent, your chance of winning cards. This entails a

the greatest danger. As the opponent's range depends on how you choose, you may seriously distort the results of each hand. Therefore, you need to determine, for the opponent's hand with each betting round you make a realistic range of reasonable assumptions.

the way

edge or uncertainty for the decision, details of the analysis is particularly important. Here is a simple example:

Example 2:

NL 0.05/0.10

UTG +1: 8 / 5


preflop: Hero raises to $ 0.50, UTG +1 reraise to $ 1.50, Hero???

in the hand, you have about 15-30 seconds to make a decision. In the analysis, there is no time limit, you can go to analyze all possible variations.

Suppose you call. Pot odds of 2:1. This means that here you need to have 33% win rate (three times you win once). You use all the available information, and then start the analysis. So far, you know, UTG +1 players will raise 5% of the starting hands. Using this value as a starting point to determine his range. Next, you need to remove those you think do not fit together with Note cards - met you, after filling, UTG +1 players are unlikely to continue with his full range of games. If you calculate the next

win rate, you will see the range based on your assumption, or do you just barely reach the required 33% win rate. This shows that the direct fold better here.

Summary This article provide you with an overview on a variety of analytical methods. Now, you can order some very simple way to analyze your game and benefit from the results.

If you still do not understand some parts, you can always comment on of hands in the PokerStrategy.com forum for help. To get the best possible answer, you need to provide the Board with their analysis of the same information required, for example, opponents of the data, the estimated range, the other interpretation, and so on.


