
Moncler UK British 66 -year-old pregnant woman after the birth about two months

According to British has 66 years of age.

Mildenhall Suffolk City resident Elizabeth A Deni is a well-known local women entrepreneurs , in a plastic products company as a sales manager. Although the cause of very successful, but A Deni 's personal life is not satisfactory. She and her husband have always wanted a child , but always without success before the marriage breakdown . Restore single A Deni increasingly strong desire for children ,Moncler UK, but this time she was 60 years old .

order to achieve the dream of having a biological child , A Deni decided to use IVF technology. In 2008, she went to Ukraine, a clinic for surgery , and successful pregnancy .

Although two months is necessary to delivery , A Deni still persist in their work ,Moncler UK, Monday to Friday, the company must go to work , but

A Deni has become Britain 's oldest women , by the previous record holder is 62 years old帕蒂法兰特. It is reported that the world 's oldest mother is Indian奥姆卡尔瑞Pan Waer ,Moncler UK, she in 2008 to 70 -year-old birth to twins . According to

