
UGG Austrila Was interrupted by applause 127 times Zhejiang University professor Zheng Qiang classic




1. The Japanese would rather like black, not like us, because now is not the spirit of the Chinese people. -


2. we are laughing at Russia, but I know that Russia will be developed in the future, because people there two days also did not eat a hungry line up, and we have two individuals have squeezed their hands full. -


3. the Japanese violated us, because we have a lot of traitor. Japanese violation of our future, will not be a traitor? Who is the traitor to China's future? A large part of you here will be. Patriot because you laugh, worship power and money, despicable ideals and ambition. -


4. who now is the traitor? Peking University Tsinghua University students, because they learn to use the knowledge to help foreigners to develop new markets, beat our China business -


5. we ignore the value of history, always thought that building more new better, but you have to look at the French center, there is little new construction, they are proud historical heritage, and we continue to demolition and construction of buildings to torment themselves. -


6. education is not their own living, but to arouse interest and inspire the spirit. And developed by education to make a living is also possible, we have been too seriously. -

7. in the future even if China is well developed, but you look at the rich man who drove luxury cars from the car window out spitting, throwing garbage. You know, if there is no education, a strong China will not be rich again. -

8. reading is to take responsibility. But now a woman's education to take too much responsibility, so that men avoid too much responsibility. -

9. the history of mankind is in fact a series of impulses. So do not despise the impulse, because the impulse is cute. -

10. China's basketball is not lack of technology, not lack of money, but they lack a sense of responsibility, even a sense of responsibility to consumers. -

11. who would sing with breath sounds, it is not tired. When I see you speak throat is moving, I know you sing good enough. -

12. the next 20 years, the Chinese worship is knowledge rather than officials. This is something we should learn from Japan, the nation's respect for knowledge, to be added. But now people in China a little money, little of the right people - even if it is a chief, the University can still confused without dignity. This looks like a smart smart, self-satisfied philistine, is how superficial ah. -

13. a man, only his parents and wife to kneel down, you can only bow their teacher, definitely should not bow to the power and wealth and money. But now, most people just reversed. -

14. Why do not the Japanese apology, the Japanese president why not apologize? Because they know that the dignity and history of the Japanese most important, on the contrary there is no other Asian dissatisfaction with weight too, so they can be ignored. -

15. Education should let the Chinese know how to self-esteem. But now we see a foreigner on the bow, girls see foreign garbage men in general want to please. Comrades, how much we have in front of foreigners without dignity. University of Tokyo in Japan, studying the people, when I was the only back, but the Japanese but respect me, because I live in the soul, to live with moral integrity. -


excerpt: -

into! can be discharged in several Asian? I go abroad to look after, was to build a world-class universities like Zhejiang communist ideals.


word, then those of us who teach stress go there, you build a chapter,UGG Austrila, then that is' at home and abroad to fill the gaps', 'the international advanced level.' thesis is the 'international advanced level of research results',UGG Austrila,' the first scientific found ', etc. This is now a very serious problem! as a university professor, I am deeply worried about this! This is not our responsibility, our leadership is ignorant, they advocated the mainstream. I know here Director or CEOs hard to live, because you do not write such a report, you'll get the money, the project will not get approval to teach is also true, every day, write reports, rather than stop and take in the lab to do research, This is very serious!


so many joint ventures, selling things, and not to consider these deep things everyone knows, this is the vicious circle of society!


a person is illiterate does not speak English? language is a tool! you do not have that environment, how can he speak the language it ?...... If I were Minister of Education, I want to reform two things: - < / p>


First, the abolition of CET. A graduate level you do not pass even the Chinese, English test six you do it? To see students write papers, do not have their own culture to learn, every day English exam ─ ─ tick: tick TOEFL, GRE tick, English test out the high points. Which can be written in the English papers in front of me flies off? Can win! So trained people can do? Own professional point out that not all Mo Xuehao !...... computer illiterate, which in turn is a misunderstanding! I am a professor, I do not attend to the computer!


the hands of several female students and asked them doing, do not see the shadows,UGG Austrila, all day long test so that test like that, to the United States do? to dry things in the domestic living to! you all day test in English, the Americans with Baoge Ming have received your money, the Japanese, too, Chinese students to Japan to pay a fee, to study in Japan for the Japanese to work, finally some money to pay the tuition, read Dr. companies in Japan office when the labor force, earn a sum of money to come home to buy household appliances, all the money to the Japanese. you do not pay attention to this matter, and there are economic problems and this is what is the quality of education in the end. -


criteria together with a man to cultivate, but only learned to flattery, to discuss the teacher like, say adult words were last broadcast on TV once, a child got a prize, the master poet, asked him the most willing to say anything, he said: I am most willing to work with Grandpa Jiang said: I report to you! we must love.


be three outstanding talent in graduate school when they had make-up before, but results do well but had a few people went to the United States to sell the medicine, which illustrates the problem? for the boss can not be so ah! ... ... talent echelon must be reasonable and that the professor is not a panacea, Ph.D. is a panacea in China's education system is to enable every people are full of hopes and dreams, teach children to foster lofty ideals. In fact, human capacity is not the same. sweep to sweep good, it should be respected; cleaning the toilet can be cleaned, it should be respected, not highly educated every turn I have to remind: in a foreign country is not the case the United States, Japan's difficult to find work, Dr., why? because the boss feel bad money, recruited a Dr. to give him high wages, and he can do with it? This is a specific problem.


because he will not engage in industry, and his English is not good, he does not speak fluent Chinese all speak well, by now people, I told the Japanese say: you love this nation who will come to you drop atomic bombs. is like the Japanese do not like black people ....... I am particularly Chinese women of our professors, female students said : in front of a Japanese in the Japanese do not talk about, will not talk about; Japanese heard you speak English, especially to see Chinese girls speak English, have weak legs, this is true! / p>


What a disaster, I would first of the Shangri-La Hangzhou people arranged, to foreigners in the line up outside! (applause!) so that you will let your people love their country! a farmer went to Emei Mountain to play in Japan , bones broken, and you use the Chinese Air Force helicopter to save him, and in a Chinese university students in Japan, where dormitory was found dead 7 days; Nagoya University, a Doctor of Chinese couples, and children eating poisonous mushroom, children and mother died, her father is a severe hepatitis, Nagoya University School of Medicine in the outpatient room for 12 hours, nor a Japanese professor to see! and why you should be so friendly, and thought he was great degree, in fact, ridiculed by others, laugh at your ignorance! your nation *! we can not! our leaders went abroad to visit, see a few people welcome them, they feel winter ridge face; and foreign come, what kind of people are police clear the way, how did this matter? which makes us feel that Chinese people are proud or sad? all of these, in terms of education, are deep-seated problems, so I often say, As a natural scientist, I teach my students, first learn, without which you learn polymer, foreign languages ​​are superfluous.



