
Cheap MonclerThree people who robbed jewelry stores 64 seconds of imitation firearms seized more tha

conspiring to rob cash-strapped goldsmith

7 17 evening,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Cheap Moncler[/url], heavy rain the next stop, and Luoyuan horse nose adjacent river town with few pedestrians on the street, a short stature, a man wearing a riding helmet bicycle shopping in the rain after two laps, to Luoyuan Road. At this point, two other men also went to meet with Luoyuan, 9:05 that night the three holders of imitation firearms burst into a jewelry store, only 64 seconds time stole more than 70 million gold, created since the founding of the Law the largest source of gold occurred robbery.

7 17, prior to the horses nose hooligan street town check out the location, but he found the town's gold shop are small, shop men have bad start, and only two out of town intersection. For security reasons, the three decided to change to the neighboring districts luoyuan crime.

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sixth day after the incident, arresting officers arrested in Iowa City, Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, the other way arresting officer arrested in Chengdu, Zigong A sword, hooligan. At this point,

7 2, A sword was far away in Ji'an, Jiangxi open call forklift cousin Iowa, invited him to robbery. A gambling debt of Iowa agreed.

21 am, the store only three waitresses and a female customer.

three brothers were arrested six days after the crime

start immediately after the Ministry received a report on anti-terrorism plan, the province six days after the police and the robbers wits, respectively, in Ji'an, Jiangxi and Sichuan Zigong arrested suspects.

after the incident the next day, three to reach Huangshi Town of Putian. Most of the local purchase of equipment, gold jewelry will be melted, by the Arab sword, Iowa town of two high fence to the north of Putian.

(except the police outside of text characters are not his real name)

task force on the scene through the video data analysis of judgments, to rough out the three suspects of committing the crime process. After further investigation and follow-intensive, comprehensive analysis, quickly lock the A sword and the others. Fujian Public Security also the first time the police received a report, immediately start anti-terror plan. County in Guangdong Maoming intercept, arrest three suspects.

Suspects were arrested

very powerful fear of the police solve the case, the three escape routes constantly changing, although buying a ticket to Yunnan, but three are in Guangzhou, Zhongshan, out of the car. And the way they constantly use the laptops to see media reports of their gold shop robbery in order to keep abreast of the dynamics of police information, a good escape police pursuit.

Luoyuan County Public Security Bureau, composed of the rapid deployment of elite police task force, to carry out case detection, arrest and stolen goods and so on. Zhang Hong,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Cheap Moncler[/url], deputy director of Fuzhou Public Security Bureau after hearing, immediately led the leaders rushed to the Criminal Investigation Unit and other departments Luoyuan.

recorded video from the store after the police found three 21:05:18 into the store, leave is 21:06:22, after only 64 seconds, it took away gold worth 70 million yuan .

19 o'clock that night, three rain came Luoyuan city, stroll around the streets, find a local Choi Fook Jewelry great shop facade, the store only three waitresses, so the three waited at the shop, opportunistic crime.

the afternoon, after the three men to get the stolen money to the store to buy designer clothes put on, then put on to the big robbery thick gold necklace and gold bracelet, and then hired a taxi to the Quanzhou. 21 o'clock that night, the three purchased three bus tickets to Yunnan, and make the flight a month on the road prepared.

Criminal Investigation Unit led the Third Brigade sent two Zhuibu Zu help lead the Thunder attack Luoyuan task force, initiated security measures, along the suspect may escape route, destination, the end result to start looking for a thousand miles intercept,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Cheap Moncler[/url], all the way removed Putian, Quanzhou, Ji'an, Zigong and other 12 cities in 6 provinces.

19 at 7 pm, three and two-pronged escape. A sword and punk all the way,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Cheap Moncler[/url], was removed after fled to Sichuan, Zhejiang. Iowa then fled to his own work to Ji'an.

today, handling units Luoyuan Public Security Bureau will return the stolen goods at a local ceremony was held, will be returned to recover the proceeds of crime victims jewelry store owner.

the other side, Luoyuan occurred since the founding of the largest in the armed rob goldsmith case, be sure to solve the case as soon as possible.

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escape on the road wearing a gold chain to wear brand-name

reporter He Zhen Wen / map

64 秒 away more than 70 million gold

a knife in front of the store control. Then, A sword smashed the glass counter, along with the cabinet with the Iowa poured into bags of gold and silver jewelry. Succeeded after three horses nose to the direction of escape.

tools in preparation for the robbery, before the arrival in Iowa, A sword, Dick went to Fuzhou Railway Trade City, a stall to buy two of about 40 cm long machete, a more than 10 centimeters long simulation black pistol, three motorcycle helmet and a hammer. After hooligan again in the cauda equina, a friend of Ms. Tingjiang fuel stolen bicycle.

A sword and hooligan brothers, usually relying on living painters do, income is not high, and later unemployment for some time, even on hand is tight. A chat, his brother Dick said,

7 15, Iowa to take the train from Jiangxi Fuzhou,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Cheap Moncler[/url], A sword with their joints, the brothers began planning Sa river horse nose in the town of robbery with gold lines.

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