
Louboutin Sale"Violet please cheer up

“Violet please cheer up.”

“No, mom. I don’t want to stay with dad for the summer.” How could she do this?

“Violet, please. It’s just for the summer, you will live.”

“Mom! You don’t understand! I want to be with my friends, stay here. I don’t want to live with Jared. I don’t even know anyone there. For all I know, they can be cold hearted bi-”

“Violet! You are going if you like it or not and that is final young lady!”

With that she just left the room. But I stood there,Louboutin Sale, arms crossed,Monster Beats Studio, and pissed.

I feel like she does this on purpose. ‘It’s just so you can get more close with your dad.” My ass.

I mean yeah, going to California for the summer does sound fun. But living with Jared might just ruin it. I can’t stand him for after what he did to my mom. Then,Nike Air Max Men, I don’t have any friends there.

Let’s just see where this summer will get me.

Guys, I’m sorry. I’m an ass for not posting,Headphones Online, I guess I lost inspiration, but I want it back so I had to make a new story. I don’t want to go back to the other. So anyways, I know this is short,Cheap Nike Shoes, but this is like kinda like a filler maybe? I don’t know. The next chapter will be longer. I don’t expect feedback on this, cause this kinda suck. But if you wanna keep me inspired, please do so. J And I will love you forever. <3 Until next time!

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