
Cheap Vibram Five FingersLong story short:

Long story short:
I've been sick with a cold for awhile now and I only recovered about 5 days ago.
Gosh I've been so down.
Winter is the worst season.I always catch colds during the winter.And I especially hate that theres 6 more weeks of it.Who knows,I might catch another!
Ughh I hate this.So as I've been recovering I've been writting(so so)
But I really don't expect this chapter to be good.
I'm still shocked that when I first caught my cold..i got sent home due to fevers.I never get sent home...
I guess I haven't been myself have I?
But I'm feeling so much better! :D
and I'm too lazy to add pictures in this chapter so.

Story start,Beats Headphones!

''Will the both of you stop it?!''-Mika
Me and TenTen pulled Ino and Sakura away.TenTen was holding Ino and I was holding Sakura.

''Fine.''Sakura said.''I won't start any fights,this is a celebration after all.''

I puffed out air from exhaustion.

''Good.''We smiled.Then we moved our head around.Are we missing someone?

''Hey guys.''I asked.''Wheres Hinata?''

''Not.Good.''TenTen stated.''This always happens.''
We raised our eyebrows.
Tenten explained.
''So she runs away from fights?''I asked.
''She sure does.What more can you expect from a shy girl like her?''
I laughed.That was so true.
''Well,she has to be here somewhere...''
They all nodded.''Ok.''I smiled.''Ino and Sakura...and me and TenTen!''
Ino and Sakura growled.''Me and Sakura.And..Tenten and Ino!''I cheered changing the teams.''Better.''Tenten sighed.

(Me and Sakura's P.O.V)

''Where are you?''--Mika
''Where are you?--Sakura
''Please come out.''--Mika
''Please come out''--Sakura
''Please shut up!''--Mika
''Please shut -Hey not nice!''
''Who said I was nice?''She shrugged.We started checking rooms.All empty.Guess we'll leave it to Tenten and Ino..''Hey guys we found her!''

I looked up the railing.

(Ino and Tenten's P.o.v)

''Lets check the rooms.''TenTen suggested.


Ino opens a door to a room and looks around.

''No one here.''

''Same here.''

They sighed.

''Do you hear that?''Ino asked.

They heard heavy breathing from down the hall.

They walked slowly down the end.

Slowly with footsteps they heard the noise getting louder and louder..

(This is starting to sound like a horror movie x3)

Ino pointed to the closet.They nodded.They both took grabbed the door knob as twisted it slowly as they they heard the heavy breathing going away.''AARRRRGhhh HOLY COW HINATA.What the hell was that?''''Yeah.''Tenten agreed.''You almost scared the crap and the living ninja tools out of me,Monster Headphones!''''And since when could you scream so loud?''Ino squinted her eys.

Hinata was opening her mouth to speak-

''Never mind.''Ino said.They all sighed together.Ino,TenTen,and Hinata walked to the railing and made a little shotu out to catch their attention.''Hey guys we found her!''(Everyone's p.o.v)''Get up here!'Tenten yelled.''Why don't we have a pillow fight or something?''''Sounds great!''Sakura smiled.

Sakura and Mika ran upstairs.Sakura showed us to her room which was pretty big by the way.She started getting pillows from her closet.She threw them to each of us.They were all pink.''Do you have one in blue or black?''Mika asked :/''Nope!''I rolled my eyes.

Tenten frowned.

We starting splitting up the teams.

1st Team:

Sakura,Cheap Vibram Five Fingers,Tenten,Moncler Sale,Hinata

2nd Team:


Oh we're so gonna lose.


Round 1!

Hinata vs Ino


Ino starts by throwing a hard hit at Hinata.Hinata falls.

Ino waits for Hinata to get up.Hinata uses her pillow to hit her below her feet.Ino slips off the bed...

''WOOO you go Hinata,UGG Boots!''Tenten cheered.

Score board:

1st team:1point

2nd team:0 point

Round 2!

Mika vs Sakura

''No holding back okay.''Said Sakura.''Wasn't planing to.''I smirked''Hmph.''''Ready.....Begin!''Sakura throws a swing with me with her pillow.She misses.She was getting ready to hit me again.''Oh look Sakura it's Sasuke!''I pointed in a random direction.'''WHERE?''She dropped her pillow and look around the room.

I swinged her right in the head.Idiot...This is why fangirls are easy to trick...-.-''Hey..you tricked me.''Sakura whinned as she rubbed her butt.''No rules against it.''I smiled.

(Unknown P.o.v)
''I can't belive you couldn't wait until we got home to eat ramen.''''Sorry..but it's just to good!''He grinned.''And you know..''-'''You can't go a day without ramen we get it.''

We looked up.

A room light was on.

We squinted our eyes.We saw the girls jumping up and down on the bed.



''God''~Nose bleed!~

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